Sunday, December 4, 2011

Likelihood Estimator Question?

Show that the maximum likelihood estimator of mu is unbiased while the maximum likelihood estimator of sigma squared is biased, are either of these estimators consistent?|||Is this for a normal distribution?


Gracious, sorry to take so long! Must be getting forgetful. When you're using the maximum likelihood approach to get estimators for both the mean and variance of a normal distribution, you're right: the estimator for the mean is unbiased while the one for the variance is biased. Since the first is unbiased, then yep, it's consistent. The estimator for the variance, using n samples x1, ..., xn , is

V = (1 / n) ( (x1 - m)^2 + ... + (xn - m)^2 )

where m is the sample mean. If you look closely at E[V], you'll notice that, for example, x1 and m are not quite independent. You'll need to do the legwork, but that's enough to make V biased. That is, E[V] is not exactly the variance of X. But asymptotically, as n gets large, there's little difference. So even though the sample variance is biased, it's consistent. Good luck!

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