In the same manner it hurts your credit to apply for a new credit card? Or is it more like a continuation of your old card.|||An expiration date on a credit card is more of a security measure. It's the same account. Just a new card with a new expiration date.|||No. I have had my visa card almost 30 yrs and have excellent credit.|||no, its like changing your phone number, doesn't really make a difference you still have the credit and credit history|||It isn't a new creditcard in that way since it is still bound to the same account. The same debt stands on it and you still pay the same charge.
It is indeed a security issue that every few years those things are changed out. Not sure how successful these measures are but in a world where you can buy things..anyone can.. by a few numbers any measure is nice.
Your credit score should stay the same as it is the credit account behind the card it is linked to.|||It's the same account, not a new one. Only the card is new.|||it`s simple..
nothing,nada,zip! (:
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