Ok if you have a credit card go into collections 6 months ago, and have another credit card that is basically maxed and you don't wont to make the several hundred dollar a month minimum so you stop paying. In 3 months its sent to collections so you then work with the collection agencies on both cards and get them squared away. How long will it take you to get to a good rating if you do everything right with your credit from here on out. I know 7 years clears a bankruptcy, but this isn't a bankruptcy.|||It will take quite some time. Both of those collections can legally be listed on your credit report for 7 years. Assuming you acquire some more credit and manage it responsibly as time passes and you manage your credit well the effect of those collections will lessen but they will continue to be a drag on your score until they age off.|||Bankruptcy is 10 years time is the only thing right now pay everthing else on time if you have other card pay down the debt probably you will see a diffrence in two years or so. the collection agencies should make sure they are reporting your payments to the three credit bureaus Good Luck!!!|||If you can't make the minimum payments, at least pay what you can. Make a payment each month. A lot of times, c.card companies or collection agencies will settle with you for 50-75% of what you owe as payment in full.
Good luck!|||It takes 7 years to clear this. It can take up to 10 years to clear a bankruptcy.
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